Tuesday 2 October 2012

Shots you would expect to see in a horror/thriller film

Birds eye view shot.
 Pale white walls to represent ghostly figure, and to show innocence and purity. Its effective because it looks like she’s being watched from above. Her yellow cardigan shows happiness but it then juxtaposes the setting because its dull and boring which is dull and worn down. She looks like a pretty young girl and the stairs again create a contrast in colour and life.

Mid shot/ over the shoulder shot
This shot is effective because it seems like they are being watched by the murderer’s point of view, it shows both characters having a conversion with the girl in the white dress looking happy with the expression on her face looking happy, however you can’t see the expression on the other girls face and only her back is visible to us. The white dress shows innocence but stands out at the same time because she’s wearing black too.The leafs make it more daunting because the murderer is obviously trying to stay hidden so that he can attack the girl when she is least expecting it.

Different shot types

Match on action shot

Match on action is a technique of filming used in many sorts of films. It consists of connecting 2two shots together in which a character finishes off an action in the second shot that was started in the first one, for example a clip of a character walking through a door in which he opens the door being filmed from behind then the clip cuts to him walking through from the other one.

Shot reverse shot
Shot/reverse shot is when one character is shown looking at another character. Then the other character is looking back at the first character. It’s commonly used in conversations, switching from one speaker to another. Usually but not always the camera stays at eye level.

180 Degree rule
Is similar to shot reverse shot in the way that the camera is on one side filming the people. It would stay on one side and not cross the line. It is normally used when to characters are having a conversation.

Film openings table

Style of opening
Info in credits
Narrative story of film
Pretty woman
Rich people, a massive house party in a big house shows main characters, title of film
Panning of Beverly hills
Name of actors and crew members
Party with rich people in a wealthy house
The dark knight
Non digetic music, guns and violence, murder
Fight scene with some the main characters
Bank robbery with hidden identity
Pulp fiction
High powered theme tune, people eating dinner (equilibrium)
Title of film, actors names
A crazy couple eating at a typical American diner who are every day robbers
The shining
Deep creepy music, Long shot of the main characters
Information about the crew and actors
Family car driving out into the distance In the hills
Soft emotional music to show setting
Establish shot of boat and aerial shot, unnatural colours to show it was set in olden times, this is shown by the man with the old fashioned camera. The sound of the propellers and motor of the ship in the sea
Name of the film production companies, Title of film
A sad goodbye to the people on board
Forest Gump
Soft music accompanying the feather falling gracefully from the sky making its way to the ground
It establishes the setting of the story but also leads its way to the main character, because the feather is soft and gentle which represents the main character, close up shot of the man’s muddy trainers, when he’s in a suit which creates a contrast.
Information about the film producers, companies names, main actors names, title of film
A man who Is lonely sitting on a park bench in the wet dull setting with an equilbrium of people walking around him, he looks confused and isolated from everyone else